喜爱衣着 : 自己feel
曾读中学 : 慈幼英文中学
学历 : 中学程度 , 曾就读t.i水电课程
最爱电影 : 食神 , 迷幻列车 trainspotting
口头禅 : 若然
喜爱东西:佢架老婆仔同"浦"rave party
坐驾 : lambretta 绵羊仔(蓝色),honda 中古电单车
手表:rolex exporer ii
喜爱音乐 : 迷幻类
喜爱人物 : 鸭寮街阿 paul
喜爱地方:会展新翼, 山顶, 英国及日本
喜爱食品: jelly , 朱古力 ,雪糕 , 蛋牛面
喜爱饮品 : 冻咖啡 , 橙汁
喜爱衣着 : 自己feel
曾读中学 : 慈幼英文中学
学历 : 中学程度 , 曾就读t.i水电课程
最爱电影 : 食神 , 迷幻列车 trainspotting
口头禅 : 若然
喜爱东西:佢架老婆仔同"浦"rave party
坐驾 : lambretta 绵羊仔(蓝色),honda 中古电单车
手表:rolex exporer ii
喜爱音乐 : 迷幻类
喜爱人物 : 鸭寮街阿 paul
喜爱地方:会展新翼, 山顶, 英国及日本
喜爱食品: jelly , 朱古力 ,雪糕 , 蛋牛面
喜爱饮品 : 冻咖啡 , 橙汁
吓死你 xia si ni (2008)
夜·上海 the longest night in shanghai (2007)
男儿本色 invisible target (2007)……..ho wing keung (as sam li)
nan er ben se
呖咕呖咕对对碰 house of mahjong (2007)
lik goo lik goo dui dui pong
蝎子 xie zi (2007)
危险人物 undercover (2007)
大电影2.0之两个傻瓜的荒唐事 two stupid eggs (2007)
双子神偷 twins mission (2007)
seung chi sun tau
apostoli, i
冰河世纪2 ice ages 2 (声演树獭)(2006)
谈谈情,说说性 tam tam ching suet suet sing (2006)
feel it…… say it……
狗咬狗 gau ngao gau (2006)……..wai
dog bite dog
b420 b420 (2005)……..willy
飘移凶间 demoniac flash (2005)
frightening dream
神经侠侣 crazy n" the city (2005)……..sam
sun gaing hup nui
三岔口 divergence (2005)……..leung tek
san cha kou
龙咁威2之皇母娘娘呢? lung gam wai yi dzi wang mo leung leung (2005)……..ng sue hei
dragon reloaded
艳女勾双雄 yan nv gou shuang xiong (2005)
婚前杀行为 wedding or a funeral, a (2004)
我爱钟无艳 qixuan wang yu zhong wu yan (2004)……..lu songguan
chaisuen wong yu jung mo yim
i love zhong wu yan
my fair lady
wo ai zhong wu yan
zhong wu yan
香港厨神 osaka wrestling restaurant (2004)
大佬爱美丽 enter the phoenix (2004)……..gay man
daai lo oi mei lai
旺角黑夜 one night in mongkok (2004)……..franky
wong gok hak yau
one nite in mongkok
wong kok hei ye
wang jiao hei ye
我要做model wo yao zuo model (2004)……..condom
super model
枪缘 spear gest (2004)
gun affinity
甜丝丝 tim si si (2004)
my sweetie
龙咁威 lung gam wai 2003 (2003)……..ng sue hei
dragon loaded 2003
long gan wei 2003
赌侠之人定胜天 dou hap ji yan ding sing tin (2003)
fate fighter
激情爱火花 dream and desire (2003)
一屋两火 trouble-makers, the (2003)
搞鬼 (2003)
冰河世纪ice ages (声演树獭)(2002)
五个堕落的男女 we"re not the worst (2003)
hak yau nyn long (2003)
"mtv whatever things" (2003)……..himself - chelvis, wokboarder
我要结婚 ngo yiu git fun (2003)……..wayne
野郎 color of pain (2002)
非常凶姐 the stewardess (2002)……..ken ma
fai seung hung che
阴阳路十七之监房有鬼 aau yeung liu sap chat ji gaam fong yau gwai (2002)
troublesome night 17
齐天大圣孙悟空 "chai tin dai sing suen ng hung" (2002)……..the sand monk
chai tin dai sing suen ng hung
ji tian da sheng sun wu kong
the monkey king
拜错神 deals with the dark (2002)
一碌蔗 yat luk che (2002)……..fan"s father
just one look
人民公厕 public toilet (2002)……..sam
hwajangshil eodieyo?
ren min gong che
无问题2 mou mon tai 2 (2002)……..daniel
no problem 2
怪兽学园 gwaai sau hok yuen (2002)
guai shou xiao yuan
乒乓 ping pong (2002)……..china
变脸迷情 bin lim mai ching (2002)……..dicky
bian lian mi qing
devil face, angel heart
恐怖热线之大头怪婴 hung biu hyn sin ji daai tau gwaai ang (2001)
horror hotline…… big head monster
kong bu re xian zhi da tou guai ying
惊声尖叫 jing sheng jian jiao (2001)
异灵灵异-2002 2002 (2001)……..sam
幽灵人间 visible secret (2001)……..simon
youling renjian
愿望树 yuen mong shu (2001)
final romance - tenyakuyûjô 3
wishing tree
final romance - tenyakuy?j? 3
final romance
一个烂赌的传说 yat goh laan diy dik chuen suet (2001)……..chung
生化特警之丧尸任务 sheng hua te jing zhi sang shi ren wu (2000)……..brother cheap
a small miracle (2000)……..peter
神偷次世代 san tau chi saidoi (2000)……..sam
skyline cruisers
skyline raiders
spy team
爱与诚 oi yue shing (2000)
a war named desire
特警新人类2 tejing xinrenlei 2 (2000)……..alien
gen-x cops 2
gen-x cops 2: metal mayhem
gen-y cops
jackie chan presents: gen-y cops
jackie chan presents: metal mayhem
metal mayhem
天地无容 life (2000)
黑道风云之收数王 the king of debt collecting agent (1999)……..pa-fong
hak diy fung wan ji sau chuk wong
hei dao feng yun zhi shou shu wang
shou shu wang
新羔羊医生 san giu cheung yee sang (1999)……..chan sum
the new dr. lamb
trust me u die
xin gao yang yi sheng
半支烟 metade fumaca (1999)……..70年代九纹龙
半枝烟 / 轻烟伴浓情
ban zhi yan
信不信由你 believe it or not (1999)……..阿忠
sin bu sin yao ni
特警新人类 gen-x cops (1999)……..alien
te jing xin ren lei
新家法(全名:古惑仔之新家法)the rules of the game (1999)……..欧家祥/欧永泉
sun ga fat
xin jia fa
玻璃樽 glass bottle (1999)……..frog
bor lei jun
high risk
星月童话 moonlight express (1999)
sing yuet tung wa
xing yue tong hua
中华英雄 chinese hero (1999)
zhong hua ying xiong
legend of hero
a man called hero
失业皇帝 afraid of nothing: the jobless king (1999)
sat yip wong dai
shi ye huang di
周末狂热 chow moot kwong hyn (1999)……..gordon
rave fever
x-mas rave fever
zhou mo kuang re
天旋地恋 when i look upon the stars (1999)……..sam
tian xuan di lian
四人帮之钱唔够洗 sei yan bong ji chin lut gau sai (1999)……..黄永民
14 days before suicide
si ren bang zhi qian wu gou xi
the untold story iii
湾仔十二妹 wai chai empress (1999)……..andy
wan zai shi er mei
上帝之手 heaven of the hope (1999)……..飞鹰
shang di zhi shou
去年烟花特别多 the longest summer (1998)……..吴家璇
hui nin yin fa dak bit doh
qu nian yan hua te bie duo
龙在江湖 a true mob story (1998)
long zai jiang hu
true mob story, a
生化寿尸 bio zombie (1998)……..crazy bee
sang dut sau shut
sheng hua shou shi
野兽刑警 beast cop (1998)……..skinny sam
ye shou xing jing
beast cops
新古惑仔之少年激斗篇 young & dangerous: the prequel (1998)……..chicken chiu
san goo waak chai ji siu nin gik dau pin
xin gu huo zai zhi shao nian ji dou pian
追凶20年 nude fear (1998)
chasing criminal 20 years
jui hung er shi nian
香港制造 made in hong kong (1997)……..to chung-chau, "moon"
xianggang zhizao
吓死你 xia si ni (2008)
夜·上海 the longest night in shanghai (2007)
男儿本色 invisible target (2007)……..ho wing keung (as sam li)
nan er ben se
呖咕呖咕对对碰 house of mahjong (2007)
lik goo lik goo dui dui pong
蝎子 xie zi (2007)
危险人物 undercover (2007)
大电影2.0之两个傻瓜的荒唐事 two stupid eggs (2007)
双子神偷 twins mission (2007)
seung chi sun tau
apostoli, i
冰河世纪2 ice ages 2 (声演树獭)(2006)
谈谈情,说说性 tam tam ching suet suet sing (2006)
feel it…… say it……
狗咬狗 gau ngao gau (2006)……..wai
dog bite dog
b420 b420 (2005)……..willy
飘移凶间 demoniac flash (2005)
frightening dream
神经侠侣 crazy n" the city (2005)……..sam
sun gaing hup nui
三岔口 divergence (2005)……..leung tek
san cha kou
龙咁威2之皇母娘娘呢? lung gam wai yi dzi wang mo leung leung (2005)……..ng sue hei
dragon reloaded
艳女勾双雄 yan nv gou shuang xiong (2005)
婚前杀行为 wedding or a funeral, a (2004)
我爱钟无艳 qixuan wang yu zhong wu yan (2004)……..lu songguan
chaisuen wong yu jung mo yim
i love zhong wu yan
my fair lady
wo ai zhong wu yan
zhong wu yan
香港厨神 osaka wrestling restaurant (2004)
大佬爱美丽 enter the phoenix (2004)……..gay man
daai lo oi mei lai
旺角黑夜 one night in mongkok (2004)……..franky
wong gok hak yau
one nite in mongkok
wong kok hei ye
wang jiao hei ye
我要做model wo yao zuo model (2004)……..condom
super model
枪缘 spear gest (2004)
gun affinity
甜丝丝 tim si si (2004)
my sweetie
龙咁威 lung gam wai 2003 (2003)……..ng sue hei
dragon loaded 2003
long gan wei 2003
赌侠之人定胜天 dou hap ji yan ding sing tin (2003)
fate fighter
激情爱火花 dream and desire (2003)
一屋两火 trouble-makers, the (2003)
搞鬼 (2003)
冰河世纪ice ages (声演树獭)(2002)
五个堕落的男女 we"re not the worst (2003)
hak yau nyn long (2003)
"mtv whatever things" (2003)……..himself - chelvis, wokboarder
我要结婚 ngo yiu git fun (2003)……..wayne
野郎 color of pain (2002)
非常凶姐 the stewardess (2002)……..ken ma
fai seung hung che
阴阳路十七之监房有鬼 aau yeung liu sap chat ji gaam fong yau gwai (2002)
troublesome night 17
齐天大圣孙悟空 "chai tin dai sing suen ng hung" (2002)……..the sand monk
chai tin dai sing suen ng hung
ji tian da sheng sun wu kong
the monkey king
拜错神 deals with the dark (2002)
一碌蔗 yat luk che (2002)……..fan"s father
just one look
人民公厕 public toilet (2002)……..sam
hwajangshil eodieyo?
ren min gong che
无问题2 mou mon tai 2 (2002)……..daniel
no problem 2
怪兽学园 gwaai sau hok yuen (2002)
guai shou xiao yuan
乒乓 ping pong (2002)……..china
变脸迷情 bin lim mai ching (2002)……..dicky
bian lian mi qing
devil face, angel heart
恐怖热线之大头怪婴 hung biu hyn sin ji daai tau gwaai ang (2001)
horror hotline…… big head monster
kong bu re xian zhi da tou guai ying
惊声尖叫 jing sheng jian jiao (2001)
异灵灵异-2002 2002 (2001)……..sam
幽灵人间 visible secret (2001)……..simon
youling renjian
愿望树 yuen mong shu (2001)
final romance - tenyakuyûjô 3
wishing tree
final romance - tenyakuy?j? 3
final romance
一个烂赌的传说 yat goh laan diy dik chuen suet (2001)……..chung
生化特警之丧尸任务 sheng hua te jing zhi sang shi ren wu (2000)……..brother cheap
a small miracle (2000)……..peter
神偷次世代 san tau chi saidoi (2000)……..sam
skyline cruisers
skyline raiders
spy team
爱与诚 oi yue shing (2000)
a war named desire
特警新人类2 tejing xinrenlei 2 (2000)……..alien
gen-x cops 2
gen-x cops 2: metal mayhem
gen-y cops
jackie chan presents: gen-y cops
jackie chan presents: metal mayhem
metal mayhem
天地无容 life (2000)
黑道风云之收数王 the king of debt collecting agent (1999)……..pa-fong
hak diy fung wan ji sau chuk wong
hei dao feng yun zhi shou shu wang
shou shu wang
新羔羊医生 san giu cheung yee sang (1999)……..chan sum
the new dr. lamb
trust me u die
xin gao yang yi sheng
半支烟 metade fumaca (1999)……..70年代九纹龙
半枝烟 / 轻烟伴浓情
ban zhi yan
信不信由你 believe it or not (1999)……..阿忠
sin bu sin yao ni
特警新人类 gen-x cops (1999)……..alien
te jing xin ren lei
新家法(全名:古惑仔之新家法)the rules of the game (1999)……..欧家祥/欧永泉
sun ga fat
xin jia fa
玻璃樽 glass bottle (1999)……..frog
bor lei jun
high risk
星月童话 moonlight express (1999)
sing yuet tung wa
xing yue tong hua
中华英雄 chinese hero (1999)
zhong hua ying xiong
legend of hero
a man called hero
失业皇帝 afraid of nothing: the jobless king (1999)
sat yip wong dai
shi ye huang di
周末狂热 chow moot kwong hyn (1999)……..gordon
rave fever
x-mas rave fever
zhou mo kuang re
天旋地恋 when i look upon the stars (1999)……..sam
tian xuan di lian
四人帮之钱唔够洗 sei yan bong ji chin lut gau sai (1999)……..黄永民
14 days before suicide
si ren bang zhi qian wu gou xi
the untold story iii
湾仔十二妹 wai chai empress (1999)……..andy
wan zai shi er mei
上帝之手 heaven of the hope (1999)……..飞鹰
shang di zhi shou
去年烟花特别多 the longest summer (1998)……..吴家璇
hui nin yin fa dak bit doh
qu nian yan hua te bie duo
龙在江湖 a true mob story (1998)
long zai jiang hu
true mob story, a
生化寿尸 bio zombie (1998)……..crazy bee
sang dut sau shut
sheng hua shou shi
野兽刑警 beast cop (1998)……..skinny sam
ye shou xing jing
beast cops
新古惑仔之少年激斗篇 young & dangerous: the prequel (1998)……..chicken chiu
san goo waak chai ji siu nin gik dau pin
xin gu huo zai zhi shao nian ji dou pian
追凶20年 nude fear (1998)
chasing criminal 20 years
jui hung er shi nian
香港制造 made in hong kong (1997)……..to chung-chau, "moon"
xianggang zhizao